Week 3 Polymers

We are kind of stuck in our experimentation so I will update you guys more on this for the next post.

As for the tours, they were really fun and interesting to see other teacher’s experiences.  Last year, I was in BRC for my research so it was nice to go back to that building.  I’m even more interested to see what lessons will come out of this research! I love the curriculum portion of our internship project.  I attached some pics of that day 🙂


This weekend I tried to make polymer bouncy balls but failed and instead got globs. lol  So, it will be interesting to see how I change the lesson up so that I do get bouncy balls.  That way, students can test their products in different ways.  I used 50% glue/water solution and 4% borax solution based on a write up I read online. I used clear elmer’s glue and orange food coloring. I will be trying other ways to try to make the bouncy balls.  If the bouncy balls don’t work out too well then I could make this a different lesson focusing on making “Gak” or “slime”  This is very interesting because it’s exactly how I feel my research is going. We are making samples of our polymers but trying to find the best one for our project.

If you leave the polymers out long then they would take the shape of the flat surface. You would probably have to hold it in a ball to retain shape.
My lesson plan assistant helping me make the polymers at home.

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