Its only Wednesday and I know I have been at my internship for only 3 days, but I am extremely glad to be here! This program is definitely not like other internships.
As teachers, we usually are the ones that instruct, teach and enhance the minds of students. For the past three days I have been the one learning, taking notes, asking questions, and learning new things! My mentor has been super patient and kind to me and has taken the time to explain the laboratory procedures (which they call protocols) that we will be doing throughout my time in the lab. There are definitely no dull or boring moments. I am either in the lab learning a new procedure or reading/learning more on the research we are helping accomplish.
Everybody at the lab is very helpful and everybody seems to help and learn from each other. This is great because it creates a great atmosphere to be around. I think its awesome that the graduate students at the lab are so willing to take people under them and teach them all about their research. I thought at the beginning that I would be the only “outside” person there, but there are many undergraduate students and high school students learning all the procedures and the importance of the research we are doing.
I am super excited for the weeks to come and at the same time nervous to be able to produce a lesson that relates to the research we are doing.
You have a great support group both inside and outside of the lab. I am sure the lesson you create will be awesome!
Thank you! It really feels great to have such an awesome support system. Every afternoon my mentor and I take a couple of minutes to just brainstorm what I could do and it makes me feel so much better!
So glad you’re having a great first week!